Alexander Steiner
Picture of myself

Alexander Steiner

Software & Indie Developer


📍 Münster, Germany


iOS Development, Web Development, Server-Side Development, Containerization and Agile Work

Technologies in use:

  • Swift & UIKit & SwiftUI
  • Vapor (Server Side Swift)
  • GraphQL & REST
  • HTML & CSS & JS & TS - Angular
  • Dedicated Server & Container
  • PostgreSQL & Oracle & Oracle APEX
  • PHP

I ...

... am a software and product developer with experience in building scalable software for small and large companies and products.

... like learning new things, technologies and anything else I encounter in my life.

... also like doing sports like running, swimming and cycling.

Products & Projects

Screenshot of the iOS app School Organizer

School Organizer

SchoolOrganizer is an app where you can manage your timetable, homework, exams, grades and more with > 600k users. I developed this app while I went still to school. Since then, I brought the app further, and now it supports iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac and Apple Vision Pro. The app helps student around the work, but mainly in Germany, to get through their school days every day.
Screenshot of the iOS app MomentMap


MomentMap was a social network where people could spontaneously share their experiences with the world. The team started to form in 2014, and we founded the first company in 2015. With a team of people of various expertise like business development, marketing, sales and software development we developed a platform for sharing user content. As this was our first startup and working on this in our free time we see this as a learning project.
Developing MomentMap helped me to learn what it means to work in an agile team. We also encountered various problems in our development process we successfully solved and got experience from that which we can apply in future products.
As part of the MomentMap product we open-sourced our backend for transforming GPS coordinates into location names. This is built on top of OpenStreetMap data stored in a PostgreSQL database and a Vapor Rest server that is optimized for speed.
Open Source library for GraphQL and Swift Server


I love GraphQL and Server-Side-Swift. So when I researched these technologies for a project I couldn't find a good solution. I created a package that combines an existing GraphQL implementation in Swift with the popular server framework Vapor. The results are multiple packages that make the implementation of GraphQL servers with Swift easier and more ready to use.

Work Experience & Education

Indie iOS Developer

since 2013

As an independent iOS developer, I have created multiple apps like my SchulPlaner/ SchoolOrganizer iOS app with more than 600k users. In 2013 I started in an era of Objective-C and UIKit, and over the years, I continued to learn new languages, frameworks and technologies Apple introduced each year. Over the years I came in contact with and learned lots of interesting technologies like Swift, AppKit, SwiftUI, Combine and lately Async/Await.

By co-developing the MomentMap iOS app I gained a lot of experience with building a company, team and product from the ground up. MomentMap was a social network based on a worldwide map where people can share and explore places. During that time I also bootstrapped an idea about revolutionizing employee surveys by combining regular feedbacks with a continual improvement loop. Later this became the Echometer GmbH company my friends are building and growing at the moment.

My projects

iOS Developer

since 2025

WetterOnline Meteorologische Dienstleistungen GmbH

At WetterOnline, I'm part of the iOS development team to continue improving and implementing new features.

Software Developer

2021 - 2025

Arvato Systems S4M GmbH

At Arvato Systems, my team and I were building and growing an in-house developed SAAS platform for vulnerability management, VAREDY, by utilizing Oracle databases and APEX for the Web. Preparing the product for the external market and handling the growing volume of data and connected APIs were my day-to-day tasks. &

Co-Founder & Software Developer

2018 - 2025

Software Tapas UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

Software Tapas UG was a company founded in 2018 to develop software for clients and to continue our development of MomentMap and other products and apps. Our goal was to support other startups and businesses by taking over and, if possible, automating small tasks. We implemented MVPs at a fast pace for quick product validation.

Corporate Student & BSc Business Informatics

2017 - 2021

Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA & FHDW Paderborn

I studied Business Informatics in a dual study course in Paderborn incorporation with Bertelsmann. During my 3,5 years in the company, I had the opportunity to work in different departments and also to go abroad for one semester of my studies:

  • Application Management (Arvato Systems GmbH)
  • Software Development for our own Warehouse Management System (Arvato Systems S4M GmbH)
  • ERASMUS Program 2019 - Business Informatics at the Turība University in Latvia &