Alexander Steiner
Druffeler Str. 181
33397 Rietberg
Put simply, no personally identifiable data is ever viewable by us. For debugging purposes –when you contact us– we may ask you to provide this kind of information to troubleshoot an issue. Otherwise, your personal data never leaves your device.
For notification purposes, we generate a random device identifier, which is unique to you. This identifier and the app and device specific push token, that Apple generates, are sent to our server. Both identifiers aren't linked to any of your personal data and are only stored for the purpose of notifications.
We use the privacy focused analytics service AppTelemetry for keeping track on how people use our app and which devices they use. Your device, version of iOS and usage data such as which app features were used most will be viewable by us. However, no personally identifiable information is kept by us or sent externally. The only things we will see are aggregated statistics on which app features, devices, app version and OS version were used.
Last changes: 17. December 2022